Chinese, Cambodian, or American Wedding or all three?? lol
My ideal wedding would include all three ceremonies but, 3 days is too much and too expensive. How do you put all three traditions in one day and make it as magnificent as possible? Or do I have to pick the ones that I want most? No, that's out of the question, my dilemma is how to put it all together. I love all three heritage and all three traditions too much to let one or two not be apart of my big day. I know it will probably be at least 4 years until the big day but it doesn't hurt to start planning in advance. lol After all it is a little girl's dream, to have that fairy tale wedding. Not to mention next month is June, the month favored most for a nice sunny wedding day.

How about we put a little twist in it? A Western wedding dress with a Cambodian inspiration. I am definitely getting my dress made by a Cambodian! I think we have found a solution! Well this is only a solution to my dresses, the wedding ceremony, of course is most important! ;p


So beautiful! I love the intricate designs on her sleeve.


One time, bow to the priest, two time, bow to your parents, three time bow to each other. I think I have that right. :)

This is an occasion dress by a Cambodian designer. This dress is unbelievable.

This has nothing to do with weddings but I found it while browsing. Awww I want to get this for my God daughter. But I like the yellow gold ones better.
Hi, I am going through the same dilemma here. My boyfriend is Cambodian and I am Chinese. So we are trying to see how to combine the two cultures into one wedding. We even thought about doing two different weddings but as you have pointed out, it's too costly. I am wondering if you came up with a solution that you might care to share? I would love a reply to my personal email at nlindk@gmail.com. Look forward to speaking with you.